
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Snow Number 2!

The day after I did my post -Snow!- it finnaly stopped snowing! We got a grand total of about 6 inches! (trust me for us Virginians that is a lot of snow!) I took some more pictures and wanted to show them to you!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I am sooooo excited! We in Lynchburg VA are getting our first real snow! We got a few snowflakes about a week ago but it is coming down now!!!! So beautiful!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Hey guys! This is going to be a short post... Actually more like a tweet... I am at ChuckeCheese with my little bro and sis. Having a very... Umm... Interesting time! The reason I describe it like that is 'cause there was a three year old boy who had cake all over his face and pants and he wouldn't stop grabbing my tickets and tokens. Oh well! What do you expect! Hahaha

Here is a pic of my sis and one off my little bro-

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dragons Tooth

Hey everyone!
So about two weeks ago I got Dragons Tooth By: N.D. Wilson for my B-day. I was so stoked!!!!! I finished it about two days ago, and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!

For two years, Cyrus and Antigone Smith have run a sagging roadside motel with their older brother, Daniel. Nothing ever seems to happen. Then a strange old man with bone tattoos arrives, demanding a specific room.

Less than 24 hours later, the old man is dead. The motel has burned, and Daniel is missing. And Cyrus and Antigone are kneeling in a crowded hall, swearing an oath to an order of explorers who have long served as caretakers of the world's secrets, keepers of powerful relics from lost civilizations, and jailers to unkillable criminals who have terrorized the world for millennia.

N. D. Wilson, author of Leepike Ridge and 100 Cupboards, returns with an imagination-capturing adventure that inventively combines the contemporary and the legendary.

You would not believe how much happens in the first 75-100 pages! It's INCREDIBLE!!!!! I really can't explain the Epic'ness of this book. So if you want to understand how I feel READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

We Have A Winner!

Well there are actually five winners. As you recall I mentioned that Jake from Teenage Writer was asking for Pre-readers for his book War Horn. I am proud to spread the names of the winners further by announcing them yet again but this time on MY blog!-


And yes that Farrah is THIS Farrah. Hahaha. I am soooo excited to begin reading the War Horn!

P.S. WITH PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHOR I will be posting a review of the War Horn within two weeks!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I just realized something...

Sooo as the title of this post said-"I just realized something..." And that something is that I almost never put up a picture of the cover of a book when I review it! So there I was reading another blog when it hit me! Duh. "Why have I never done this?!?!" So in apology I am going to go back and put the pictures of the books in my past posts so that people looking back will be able to see the cover of the book being reviewed!

Oh well... Better late then never!!!!!