
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teenage Writer

Hi everyone!
I don't usually mention a blog twice in a row, but there is a first time for everything!
Well if you enjoy pre reading books now is your big chance!!! The writer for TW has written a book named The War Horn. As he said in his post "There comes a time where a writer gets so familiar with his work that he can no longer detect what mistakes may remain.  You can always keep revising, but the work in question will never be perfect.  Novels that are actually published aren't perfect, they're mostly perfect."

I have found that when writing school essays the same thing happens. Well back to the point... You can read his post for details but you could have a chance to pre-read his book. Here is the link to the post-

Friday, January 20, 2012

Teenage Writer and Yearning to Read!

Could I have a drum roll please? da-da-Da-DA!!!! Teenage Writer and Yearning to Read! These are two AMAZING blogs! You may recognize the name Yearning to Read from an earlier post I did right when I first found out about this blog-

So I have followed this blog for a little while now and my appreciation for it has grown! While the books she reviews are meant for a slightly older age group then the one I do reviews for her thoughts on the books that she reads are easy to understand yet are delightful to read. I would recommend that you check out her blog at-

Now for Teenage Writer~
This blog is done by a teenager named Jake. Just a few weeks ago he moved to Liberia, West Africa for missionary purposes. His blog is so... well... EPIC!!! (A word used very frequently on his blog!) :D
He writes short stories and novels. And for a limited time you can read the prolouge for one of his books "Assassins". It is thrilling and a must read! But remember it is only on his blog for a limited time! His writing is absolutely hilarious and soo fun and easy to read, yet not to easy! I am pretty sure that he has an eBook out there called "The War Horn". You really need to check out his blog at-

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fairytale of New York

My dad and I did a cover on the song Fairytale of New York by the Pouges. In the original song the two singers call each other some crass names but we have changed the lyrics in hopes of keeping the true spirit of this song. It is really a beautiful song and I hope you all enjoy it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012! And Much More.

Yes. I know that this post is 9 days late but oh well... At least it is here!

Wow! Finally a new year. A time of resolutions and wallowing in presents! Christmas is over but the holidays are not! Even more so for me! (My B-day is coming up in a few weeks!) For Valentine's Day is coming up in February and there are many more holidays to come!

But in this new year what is most important is that we must remember who brought us through into this exciting time in our lives. Who is that you may ask? Him. The Creator. He is the reason we are here to carry out this marvelous plan, all his own creation. If you are a drama queen like myself you like to think of life as many before us have. A Stage. Where we are the actors and we all have a main part of our own. I feel that this way of thinking is a very interesting way to look at life. And whenever it is mentioned I think to myself "Wow. Life is so interesting. It really IS a story that could only be written by a God Almighty. So yeah. Most life stories could probably be guessed. But if you think about all the different things that a person can think and feel, not to mention what they DO think and feel you realize that a persons life is unpredictable, intricate, and known only by One. The only being who is~ Ready. Always. Loving. and Protecting.

So, well I have been going on and on about how I feel on certain points of life I want you to know that I haven't forgotten the reason I named this post 2012! I must say that I am not like many of the bloggers which I follow who are very dedicated to blogging and blog every other day. You see, in my life I will have a gazillion things to post about but then everyone seems to make up for the tidal wave of posts by not giving me anything to post about for a very longgggg time. But then the cycle starts over again and I am so caught up in the rush that I forget to post about everything till they are almost outdated! For instance I was so excited about Christmas coming that I didn't do a post on it! Same with the New Year! But I must admit that I usually make up for it in very long posts! Look at what you've read so far and you will find 'Proof of Concept!'

I will be back soon with a post on some blogs you must follow and a song cover that I did with my dad!