
Monday, July 30, 2012

Review-The Sea of Monsters By:Rick Riordan

As I said in my review of The Lightning Thief- "I'm afraid that every summary I found online spoiled what happens in the story and I am awful at writing that sort of thing myself so if you want to know what happens I have a secret way to tell you..... *psst over here*    READ THE BOOK!!! :)

My Thoughts-
I love this series! It isn't anywhere near being a challenge to read, yet it isn't a 7 year old's story book either. This book's reading level is meant for kids around 12 years of age which would normally be perfect since I'm 12 but I was reading The Lord of the Rings at age 7 (and enjoying it) so I'm not exactly your average 12 year old reader. So because of how easy it is I have to make it a 4 star but the story line itself deserves 5 stars! Again I love reading about Mythology and gods and goddesses so this was another favorite

Character Notes-
In the beginning of The Lightning Thief Percy was... lets face it... a .wimp. But he is changing into a much more confident person. So much so that when someone makes a decision that he doesn't agree with, he will go ahead and do what he thinks is right. That being something the old Percy never would have done.

Story Notes-
I love Riordan's writing style so much! One of the things that stand out to me about it is his tendency to have his characters make funny remarks in the midst of a battle or dire situation. I can't help but smile!

Summing It Up-
I love this book even if it is somewhat of an easy read! 4/5 stars!

Yearning to Read's (special) Giveaway!

Hey Everyone! Sierra at Yearning to Read is hosting her second year Blogoversary giveaway!!!! The prize? Any book from her Goodreads sections Best lit-men or Forever Favorites, as long as it is under 18 dollars! The final day to enter is August 31st!
Sierra had this pic in her post saying that "These are just some of the books you can choose from:"

Make sure you enter!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lots of updates!

Hello Everyone! My have I had a busy last four weeks! This was my second year of Encore at the Academy of Fine Arts! This year we performed Music Man Jr. The Music Man was the first show that I was ever in and I have also performed multiple songs from it in the Americana Shows over the last couple of years so I know this show like the back of my hand! I had a blast! Sunday was our final performance and it went great!

I'm not sure how many people heard about this but where I live in VA and many of the surrounding counties lost power for anywhere from 3 to 8 days! My house lost power for around 5 days and it was also during a heat wave!!! But we have recouped from that, and now that camp is over things are beginning to return to normal!!!

I have some great news!!! Helen @ The Life of a Musician and Dancer has awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award!! Thank you sooo much Helen for my first award!!!

Here are 7 random things about myself~
1.I am 12 but most people think that I am 14 or 15.
2.I love Logan Lerman and Josh Hutcherson, :)
3.I have been an official nerd since I was six because that is when I started reading Lord of the Rings!
4.My favorite soundtrack song is Concerning Hobbits on the Fellowship of the Rings soundtrack!
5.I hate shopping for clothes but I absolutely love having new stylish outfits!
6.Star Trek:Next Generation and Mythbusters are two of my favorite tv shows.
7.I own the record for Fiddler on the Roof!

I would like to award~~
Thank you Helen and all of my followers!