
Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Hairspray!

Hairspray is one of my all time favorite musical theater plays!
It is about Tracy Turnblad's dream to dance on The Corny Collins Show, a local TV dance program based on the real-life "Buddy Deane Show". When Tracy wins a role on the show, she becomes a celebrity overnight. She then launches a campaign to integrate the show.  (Unfortunately there is some minor language, and crude humor in both versions of the movie)    If you go to the right side of my blog below the new poll that I have up you will see  "A Sample of My Favorites"  if you click on it I have the samples for (along with songs from some other plays) two songs from Hairspray.  They are- "It Takes Two" and the Karaoke version of "Good Morning Baltimore".  Enjoy!

Nikki Blonsky as Tracey Turnblad

Zac Efron as Link Larkin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work Farrah! I love your background. And I like your post!

Your sis,