
Monday, December 31, 2012

Competitions and New Years Resolutions!

I understand that that looks pretty confusing but allow me to explain! I proposed a reading battle to my sister Ava. My goal is to read 30 books before my sis and vice versa! We have until the end of the 2013. Here's what I have lined-up- A Tale of Two Cities, Harry Potter (The WHOLE series), and the 2nd book in the Legend Series-Prodigy.
Now getting my hands on Prodigy is a matter of whether or not I have any Christmas money left by the time it comes out in January! :) Now, that is only nine books which means that I need to find 21 other books to read! I welcome any suggestions that you all might have! Wish me luck! School keeps me really busy, but then again it keeps my sis busy too. We'll see how this works out!


Jane Anise said...

Ooh, that sounds like a ton of fun. Okay, did you read 1)The Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale?? You'd like those, I think (There are 4, the first being The Goose Girl) , then did you read 2)Divergent and Insurgent? I haven't read all of Insurgent, but from what I did, I really really loved them. 3)The Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage (the first is Magyk - if you go to the Forest, or Timbrook library, they have them- there are 6 or 7 of them)(they're also appropriate for Ava, if she wants to give them a try :) )... Then if you want more lengthy, mature books, 4)Elantris, or the 5)Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson - 6)The Way Of Kings is also FANTASTIC. But that ones 1000 pages, sooo if you want a REALLY lengthy read, do that one. I think you'd love it. 7)Ordinary Magic by Caiten Rubino-Bradway is something I think both you and Ava would both like, I think. It's really fun and cute, and if you can't find it, I have a copy, so if you want to borrow it. And i have the Way Of Kings also if you want to borrow it (it's currently loaned to a friend, but as soon as I get it back.. ).. Hmm, anything by Bryan Davis -8) Echos from Reflections Edge, or 9)Dragons In Our Midst.. Really good stories, but the writing isn't the best, and the romances get under your skin really, really quickly. But on the whole, pretty good... Okay, that's about all my brain can come up with; if I think of anymore, I'll let you know. Ttfn!! <3 - JaneM
ps. And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.
pps. Sorry. I had to ;)

Farrah D said...

Hey Jane, great to hear from you! Thank you sooo much! This will help me a lot! I'll tell Ava about Septimus Heap! :) I'm nervous! Not sure I can beat her! :):):):):)

P.S. May the Odds Be Ever in YOUR favor! :)

P.P.S. I understand completely!