
Friday, December 28, 2012

The Hobbit


 Oh my goodness, gracious me!!!!! I went and saw the Hobbit about a week ago and was blown away! I was a bit worried about what would happen with them making it into three movies but the end really 
 worked! Another thing which I really liked about it is that it followed the book beautifully! There was one slight addition that has to do with a rivalry between Thorin and an orc, but I actually don't think that it took away from the movie at all! Martin Freeman was amazing as a young Bilbo and it was great to see Ian Mckellan as Gandalf again! This movie was an absolute and complete success!!!! Peter Jackson made the decision to film the Hobbit at 48 frames per second. Simply meaning that the cameras take 48 pictures per second versus the 25 fps used in the earlier movies. This makes for a clearer film with less blur. I heard that there was some negative feedback from people saying that that made the movie seem too focused on the makeup and set design, made it seem too lifelike. My point of view- what the heck is wrong with lifelike?!?! I didn't notice anything wrong with the set and so what if you can tell that a dwarf is wearing a fake nose? (not that I could tell) That isn't the 48 fps's fault that's the makeup peoples fault! I loved the film quality and thought the lighting and camera angles were pristine! I can't wait for the next one to come out! It is going to drive me crazy!!!! 

This movie is a must see! I give it 5/5 stars!!!


If you don't think this is the Ultimate picture you have a major problem!!!!! 

This is also my 100'th post! Hip Hip Hooray!! But hopefully my 200'th post will come quicker then my 100 did! Haha Happy New Year!

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