
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mocking Jay

Ok... Umm... Well when I thought that Catching Fire was a shocker.. well.. I hadn't read Mocking Jay yet. I loved this book and for once I was satisfied with the wrap up at the end. Usually the reason I am mad at a book is because the story was great but the ending didn't explain everything and was just really lame. Mocking Jay wasn't like that. It had a bittersweet ending that I was satisfied with. When I found out which boy Katniss chose I went out to mow the lawn which gave me a good excuse to mull over the decision. I found that though it was a bittersweet decision I was satisfied and was not (as I had been afraid of) ripped in two over the boy chosen and the one who was not. The only thing that I can say I didn't like was all the deaths. 3 people I loved were killed at one point or another (along with many minor characters whom I really liked) but I just kept telling myself that if they hadn't died the story would have been unrealistically good and happy. I could keep going on and on about what I loved, what I hated, and what I was shocked at but there would be to many spoilers for those who haven't read all the books yet. :) So take the advise of myself and many others and GO READ THE SERIES NOW!!!!!!!!

P.S. I wouldn't recommend reading the books if you don't like 1.Falling in love 2.Going to battle 3.Seeing people that you love blown to bits or 4.Bittersweet endings. I don't like 3 and most of the time I don't like 4 either, but Suzanne Collins has done it in the best of ways so that just when you feel like your heart is broken in two and can never be repaired all of a sudden you find that it can be mended and though you still have plenty of scars from being starved and beat and burned you are whole once again and you find that you are Content and Satisfied.

(From my review off of Goodreads)


Jane Anise said...


Sierra Abrams said...

ISN'T IT JUST SO SAD?! Oh, SO sad. I loved the book though, and was SO happy with the ending. So bittersweet and realistic... Someone said in a review that it's a war story, not a love story, and I totally see what they mean. There's the love story, yes, but the war is prevalent and that's the main drive of the story. Amazing review, girly! :D

Farrah D said...

You are AWESOME Sierra! Thank you soooooo much for your comments! Do you think that I could handle the Divergent/Insurgent series? If you think that I could I really want to read them! Thanks for your input! :) Your Great!

Sierra Abrams said...

:D No prob, Farrah! :D
I think violence-wise, absolutely. The romance in Divergent is quite a bit more passionate, with a bit more details, but I wouldn't say it's inappropriate. It's kind of a conscience thing... I'd personally say wait a year or so (and then you can read all three books without waiting) and it might be more age appropriate then. :)
I appreciate your input too! :D