
Monday, March 26, 2012

Books! (2)

So I finished book number one of the HG's (Hunger Games) so now all that is left is to read-

The last two books in HG's
The Humming Room,
The Drowned Vault (As soon as I get it off of Amazon...still...)
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

I wanted to add a book that I just got to this list- Dead End in Norvelt.
My mom saw it in the store and suggested I get 'cause she had read good things about it online. So I read what it was about and liked what I was hearing. (his style sounded similar to N.D. Wilson's) So DEN OEDSD and the last two HG's books will be my next couple of good reads!!

Also in my last post it probably wasn't fair to LOTR -Lord of the Rings- when I said that I might like HG's more, since I know that I don't, and the books have completely different styles which make them hard to compare! (Tolkien just is that way) :-):-)

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